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Do you have nutritional facts on your products?

We are working hard to get this for you soon!

What type of keto sweeteners are used?

We use Lakanto sugar and maple syrup.

What do you use for your baking powder instead of cornstarch?

We use potato starch.

What do you use for your powdered sugar instead of cornstarch?

Tapioca starch.

Local Delivery & Nationwide Shipping
My products were not frozen when they arrived, what should I do?

Since our products are allergen free, they do not need to be frozen. Please enjoy them right away or store them in your freezer for up to 6 months!

Local Delivery & Nationwide Shipping
Do you offer any other shipping services besides 2-day shipping?

At this time we only offer 2-ay shipping via FedEx.

Local Delivery & Nationwide Shipping
Will you be expanding your offerings for shipping?

We only ship our allergen free products at this time to help us maintain the quality of our products from our door to yours. Sign up for our newsletter to hear about new items available for shipping!

Local Delivery & Nationwide Shipping
How can I track my order?

When your order leaves the The Difference Baker you will receive a notification via email with tracking information. If you do not receive that email or have any questions about your order we are happy to assist. Please email us at

Do you make custom cakes/cupcakes?

Yes we do! You can shop all of our custom cakes & cupcakes here.

Do you do wedding cakes or cater large events?

Yes we offer both, you can learn more on our Wedding Menu page.